Custom Plastics
Shrink Bundling Film

- Bundle or bulk pack items such as beverage cases, water bottles or cleaning supplies.
- Extremely tough and puncture resistant

Shrink bags, pallet covers, bin liners, box liners, drum liners, can liners, furniture covers, mattress covers, centerfold, drywall covers, protective covers, flat and gusseted, M-fold, centerfold, bottom seal, bailer bags, seat covers, asbestos bags .
Poly Tubing

Allows you to make bags to fit objects of same width but different lengths.
- Can be heat sealed, stapled or taped at one or both ends
- Manufactured with 100% virgin low density polyethylene
- Coated on one side for printing
- FDA and USDA approved
Supermarket Film


Provides economical, outstanding protection from debris, moisture and dirt.
We offer in Fire Retardant, Clear and Black.
- Resists acids, oils and greases
- No cracking or peeling
- Covers warehouse machinery, lumber, scaffolding
Polyolefin Shrink Film

Polyolefin shrink film is used in many applications including wrapping DVDs, CDs, food, toys, gift baskets and auto parts.
Available in 10”-20” widths and 60-100 gauge.
- Great puncture resistance for irregular shaped products
- Can be used with virtually any shrink machine. Wont buckle or distort soft and lightweight products
- Conforms to hard-to-package products like stationery, textiles and software
- High gloss and excellent clarity
- Multi layer, biaxially oriented